Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Almost all not paying or scam HYIP programs blacklisted here. Please check the list or make a search and be careful!

WFTexperts - http://wftexperts.com/invest.html 
WSC-Invest - http://wsc-invest.com 
WTH Financial Group - https://wthgroup.com/index.php 
WTO Investment - http://www.wtoinvestment.com 
Wage Fund - http://www.wagefund.com 
Wal Hyip - http://www.walhyip.com 
Wall Street Investment Club - http://www.wallstreetinvestmentclub.net 
Wallet Investment - http://www.walletinv.com 
Wallet Watch - http://www.walletwatch.4x2.net 
Wallker Group - http://www.wallkergroup.com 
Walls Street - http://walls-street.net 
Wallstreet-livehyip - http://www.wallstreet-livehyip.com 
Wallstreetmoney - http://www.wallstreetmoney.biz 
Wanna Millionaire - http://wannamillionaire.com 
Wantedhyip - http://www.wantedhyip.net 
War Income - http://www.warincome.com 
War-Invest - http://war-invest.com 
Warm Future Inc - http://www.warmfuture.com 
Warren Hyip - http://warrenhyip.com 
Warrington Finance - http://www.warringtonfinance.com 
Watery Hyip - http://www.wateryhyip.com 
Watsons Forex - http://www.watsonsforex.net 
Wave Hyip - http://wave-hyip.com 
Way Majesty - http://waymajesty.com 
Way Of Success - http://wayofsuccess.biz 
Way Prince - http://wayprince.com 
Way To Profit - http://www.waytoprofit.net/about-investment.php 
Way To Profit - http://waytoprofit.10kb.de 
Way to Gold - http://www.waytogold.com 
Way to Independence - http://www.waytoindependence.com 
WayHyip - http://wayhyip.com 
WayHyip - http://wayhyip.com 
We Are Scammers - http://www.wearescammers.com 
We Make Gold - http://www.wemakegold.com 
Wealth Club - http://wealth-club.org 
Wealth Dep - http://wealthdep.com 
Wealth Distributor - http://wealthdistributor.com 
Wealth Generation Club - http://www.wealth-gen-club.com 
Wealth Union - http://www.wealthunion.com 
Wealth-Group - http://wealth-group.biz 
Wealth-Moves - http://wealth-moves.com/index.php 
Wealth-fund - http://www.wealth-fund.com 
Wealth-invest - http://wealth-invest.com 
Wealth2u - http://www.wealth2u.biz 
Wealthhyip - http://www.wealthhyip.net 
Wealthy Fund - http://wealthyfund.com 
Wealthy Gold - http://wealthygold.com 
Wealthy Hyip - http://wealthyhyip.com 
Wealthy Invest - http://wealthyinvest.com 
WeareHyip - http://www.WeareHYIP.com 
Weaves Forex - http://www.weavesforex.com/plan_dp.php 
Web 4 Hyip - http://web4hyip.com 
Web Forex Fund - http://www.webforexfund.com 
Web Invest Fund - http://www.webinvestfund.com 
Web Money Earner - http://www.webmoneyearner.com 
Web Opportunities - http://www.web-opportunities.biz 
Web Profits World - http://webprofitsworld.com 
Web-Investors - http://www.web-investors.com 
WebEx Funds - http://www.webexfunds.com 
Webcast Hyip - http://www.webcasthyip.com 
Weber Fund - http://www.weberfund.com 
Webhedgefund - http://webhedgefund.com 
Webinvestinc - http://www.webinvestinc.com 
Week Money - http://www.WeekMoney.com 
Week Money Hyip - http://weekmoneyhyip.com 
WeekPlan - http://www.weekplan.com 
Weekly Income - http://www.weeklyincome.biz 
Weekly Inv - http://weeklyinv.com 
Weekly Planet - http://weekly-planet.com 
WeeklyInterest - http://www.weeklyinterest.com 
Weeklyshare - http://weeklyshare.com 
Welcome Hyip - http://welcome-hyip.com 
Welcome-everyone - http://welcome-everyone.com 
Welcome-to-hyip - http://www.welcome-to-hyip.com 
Welfare Key - http://welfarekey.com 
Welfareprofit - http://www.welfareprofit.com 
Well Money - http://well-money.com 
Well-lab - http://well-lab.com 
Welldone Hyip - http://welldonehyip.com 
Welovehyip - http://www.welovehyip.com 
Weltex - https://weltex.net 
Wer Invest - http://werinvest.com 
Werner Fund Management - http://www.wfmng.com/index.php 
WertexOne - http://www.wertexone.com 
WesTraders - http://westraders.com 
West Diamond Fund - http://www.westdiamondfund.com 
West Infinite - http://www.west-infinite.biz 
West-business - http://west-business.com 
Westbound Investment - http://westboundinvestment.com 
Western - Profit - http://western-profit.com 
Western Profit - http://westernprofit.com 
Wet Forest Investment - http://www.wetforestinvestment.com 
Whibley Investment - http://whibley-investment.com 
Whiskyhyip - http://www.whiskyhyip.com 
White Feather Fast Track - http://www.whitefeatherfasttrack.com 
White Feather Group - http://www.whitefeathergroup.com 
White Funds - http://www.white-funds.com 
White Gold Trust - http://www.whitegoldtrust.com 
Whitehouse-hyip - http://www.whitehouse-hyip.com 
Who Wants Money - http://www.whowantsmoney.net 
WickedHyip - http://www.wickedhyip.com 
Wide Business Company - http://widebusinesscompany.biz 
Wide Manage Money - http://widemanagemoney.com 
Wide Profit - http://wideprofit.net 
Wide Profit - http://www.wideprofit.com 
WideHyip - http://www.widehyip.com 
Wikifund - http://www.wikifund.com 
Wild Hyip - http://www.wildhyip.com 
Willer Foundation - http://willerfoundation.com 
Willow Fund - http://willowfund.com 
Willson's Investment Company - http://www.WICompany.org 
Willsonlion - http://willsonlion.com 
Win 250 - http://win250.com 
Win 300 Daily - http://win300daily.com 
Win Win Fund - http://www.winwinfund.biz 
Win hyip - http://www.winhyip.com 
Win-Fast - http://www.win-fast.com 
Win-Gold - http://www.win-gold.com 
Win-Profit - http://win-profit.com 
Win-Win-BusinessClub - http://www.win-win-businessclub.com 
Win2Cash - http://win2cash.com 
WinHyip - http://www.winhyip.org 
WinWinPay - http://www.winwinpay.org 
Wind of hope - http://wind-of-hope.com 
Windsor Hyip - http://www.windsor-hyip.com 
Wineryhyip - http://www.wineryhyip.com 
Winner Invest - http://www.winnerinvest.com 
Winnermarble - http://winnermarble.com 
Winners Hyip - http://www.winners-hyip.com 
Winners Invest - http://www.winners-invest.com 
Winston Hyip - http://www.winstonhyip.com 
Winter Cash - http://www.winter-cash.com 
Winter Profit - http://www.winterprofit.com 
Winzack - http://winzack.com 
Wise Invest Group - https://wise-invest.biz 
Wise World Trade - https://wiseworldtrade.com 
Wise-hyip - http://www.wise-hyip.com 
WiseHYIP - http://wisehyip.com 
Wisely Hyip - http://www.wiselyhyip.com 
Wish Business Pro - http://wishbusinesspro.com 
Wish Hyip - http://www.wishhyip.com 
Witanhyip - http://witanhyip.com 
WithOut Risk - http://withoutrisk.biz/index.php 
Withdraw 1000 - http://withdraw1000.org 
Withdraw Express - http://www.withdrawexpress.com 
Withdraw700 - http://withdraw700.com 
Withoutriskhyip - http://www.withoutriskhyip.com 
Wizard-hyip - http://www.wizard-hyip.com 
Wonderful Future Hyip - http://www.wf-hyip.com 
Wonderful Profit - http://www.wonderfulprofit.com 
Wonderfull Hyip - http://wonderfullhyip.com 
World - Profit - http://world-profit.biz 
World Business Gold - http://www.worldbusinessgold.com 
World Business Project - http://www.worldbusinessproject.com 
World Class Hyip - http://wchyip.com 
World Cup Hyip - http://worldcuphyip.com 
World Cup Surf - http://www.worldcupsurf.com 
World Day Fund - http://worlddayfund.com 
World Finance Group - http://www.worldfinancegroup.biz 
World Financial Club - http://world-fc.com 
World Financial Forex - http://www.worldfinancialforex.com 
World Forex - http://WorldForex.biz 
World Forex Club - http://www.worldforexclub.com 
World Forex Experts - http://www.worldforexexperts.com 
World Forex Investment - http://worldforexinvestment.com 
World Gold Trade - http://worldgoldtrade.com 
World Hyip - http://www.whyip.org 
World Hyip Champion - http://www.worldhyipchampion.com 
World Hyip Pay Daily - http://www.worldhyippaydaily.com 
World Invest 4 U - http://worldinvest4u.com 
World Invest Group - http://not-scam.com 
World Invest Lr - http://worldinvestlr.com 
World Investment - http://worldinvestment.biz 
World Investment Alliance - http://www.worldinvestmentalliance.com 
World Oil Group - http://www.woilgproup.com 
World Profit Club - http://www.worldprofitclub.net/index.php 
World Profit Hyip - http://worldprofithyip.com 
World Profit Invest - http://www.worldprofitinvest.com/WPI/ 
World Trade Clubs - http://worldtradeclubs.com 
World Trade Funds - http://www.worldtradefunds.com 
World Trade Group - http://www.e-wtg.com 
World Trade Hyip - http://www.worldtrade-hyip.com 
World Trade Invest - http://www.worldtradeinvest.com 
World Trade Profit - http://worldtradeprofit.com 
World Trade Profits - http://worldtradeprofits.com 
World Traders - http://www.world-traders.info 
World Wide Double - http://www.worldwidedouble.com 
World Wide Gold - http://world-wide-gold.com/index.php 
World Wide Gold Traders - http://worldwidegoldtraders.com 
World Wide Hyip - http://wwhyip.com 
World Wide Invest - http://w-w-i.net 
World Wide Invest - http://www.worldwide-invest.com 
World Wide Investment Group - http://www.wwig.net 
World of Forex - http://www.world-of-forex.info 
World-Profit - http://world-profit.net 
World-Profits - http://www.world-profits.net 
WorldCup 2006 hyip - http://worldcup2006hyip.com 
WorldForexLive - http://worldforexlive.com 
WorldFundings - http://www.worldfundings.com/index.php 
WorldHyip - http://www.worldhyip.net 
Worldclass - Invest - http://worldclass-invest.com 
Worlddollar-hyip - http://worlddollar-hyip.com 
Worldegold - http://worldegold.com 
Worldfx Trade - http://www.worldfxtrade.com 
Worldling Hyip - http://worldlinghyip.com 
Worldofe-gold - http://www.worldofe-gold.com 
Worldofe-gold - http://worldofe-gold.com 
Worldwide-fund - http://www.worldwide-fund.com 
Worldwide-hyip - http://worldwide-hyip.biz/index.php 
WorldwideHyip - http://www.worldwidehyip.com 
Worth Drug - http://www.worthdrug.com 
Worth Invest - https://www.worthinvest.com 
Worth Life - http://worthlife.com 
Worthyprofit - http://www.worthyprofit.com 
Worthytrust - http://worthytrust.com 
Wow-gold - http://www.wow-wow-gold-wow.com 
wallst-investment - http://wallst-investment.com 
www-Hyip - http://www-hyip.com
X 750 - http://x750.com 
X Big Hyip - http://xbighyip.com 
X Gold Game - http://www.xgoldgame.com 
X-Deposit - http://www.x-deposit.com 
X-Hyip - http://x-hyip.com 
X-Investment - http://x-investment.com 
X-Tra - Profits - http://x-tra-profits.com 
X-treme Profits - http://x-tremeprofits.net 
XLHyip - http://www.xlhyip.com 
XLO Auto - http://www.xlentopps.com 
XP Trade Ltd - http://xptradeltd.com 
XRay HYIP - http://www.xrayhyip.com/index.php 
XSFund - http://www.xsfund.com 
XTgold - http://xtgold.net 
XX Finance - http://xxfinance.com 
XX investment - http://www.xxinvestment.com 
XXL Profit - http://xxl-profit.com 
Xceed Capital Fund - http://x-ceed.biz/signup.php 
Xcelhyip - http://www.xcelhyip.com 
XeHyip - http://www.xehyip.com 
XelsGame - http://www.xelsgame.com 
Xenon Fund - http://xenonfund.com 
Xenon Hyip - http://xenonhyip.com 
XgoldX - http://www.xgoldx.com 
Xing Capital - http://www.xingcapital.com/hyip/index.cgi 
Xiontrader - https://www.xiontrader.com 
Xlargeinvest - http://xlargeinvest.com 
Xli-Hyip - http://xli-hyip.com 
XmFund - http://www.xmfund.com 
XmaS Fund - http://www.xmasgold.com 
Xmas Capital - http://xmascapital.com 
Xmas Profit - http://www.xmasprofit.com 
Xmas Revenue - http://www.xmas-revenue.com 
XmasGold - http://xmasgold.biz.ly 
Xp-hyip - http://xp-hyip.com 
Xpandadollar - http://www.xpandadollar.net 
Xpfund - http://xpfund.biz 
Xplor-Hyip - http://xplor-hyip.com 
Xsurfhyip - http://xsurfhyip.com 
Xtra 300 - http://xtra300.com 
Xtra Hyip - http://xtrahyip.com 
Xtreme Benefit - http://xtremebenefit.com 
Xtreme Investment - http://www.xtremeinvestment.com 
Xxxhyip - http://xxxhyip.net 
x7daysprofit - http://www.x7daysprofit.net 
x950 - http://x950.com

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